We often talk about the importance of switching your energy provider to make sure that you’re getting the best deal – but if you’re already with the cheapest supplier there may be other ways to bring the cost down.
One of the most important is making sure that your home or office is more energy efficient. This means doing things that cut down on the amount of energy needed to do simple tasks like heating the building. In some cases, there may be a small outlay at the beginning, but they will all save you money on energy costs in the long run.
Insulate the walls and loft

Image Source: Flickr By Dunktanktechnician
Everybody knows that it’s counter-productive to have the heating on if the windows are wide open – but have you ever considered the similar affect of trying to insulate a room with uninsulated walls? Cavity wall insulation costs a few hundred pounds, but should pay for itself after around five years. The other option Is solid wall insulation: this is far more expensive and will cost several thousand pounds, meaning it Is more of an investment in future energy savings than a quick fix to bring down your bills.
If you have a loft then you should get insulation there, too. Like cavity wall insulation, this requires a small initial outlay – likely less than £500 – and could cut your bills by around £200 per year.
Use suitable carpeting
A good carpet can have a surprisingly big impact on how much heat your room loses. As a natural insulator, it can help to keep a room nice and cosy without you having to ramp up the thermostat. This makes it a great choice for conservatories and loft conversions. Of course, the rest of your home or office building can benefit too.
Install energy efficient appliances
It’s not all about pricy home improvement, though. Your everyday appliances can be switched for energy efficient equivalents – and that goes for everything from your kettle to your dishwasher. When you buy an appliance, they should be given an efficiency rating: A+++ is the best, going all the way down to G.
Consider using solar panels
If you’re ready to make a more extensive change to your property, then you could consider adding solar panels to your home. These require an initial upfront investment of several thousand pounds but, by saving you a large chunk of your energy bill each year, they can actually pay for themselves in just a few years. It’s a good idea to do a little bit of research about local property markets before going ahead and installing though – in some cases they may decrease your property’s value. This may not be a problem with your property, but we recommend doing some thorough research before pushing ahead.
A well-insulated, energy efficient building is an investment that you can reap profits from for years to come. While we wouldn’t recommend going into debt to make any of the changes covered in this article, they’re absolutely worth it for anybody who can afford the upfront cost.