According to statistics from the Department of Transport, 6,828 people were involved in motorbike accidents in 2012.
Whilst some of these were minor, some were also much more serious and may have resulted in a loss of income or independence as well as the need to make lifestyle changes.
Apart from any physical injuries, which may occur as a result of an accident, there may also be emotional or psychological consequences.
Am I Entitled to Compensation?
If you have been involved in an accident which was not your fault, seeking compensation is not a sign of the “litigation culture” but is actually a legal and civil right.
The impact of an accident may be long lasting. Apart from any physical injuries an accident may also have an impact on social opportunities, and this can cause stress, anxiety or depression. Receiving compensation can enable you to cope with this and achieve a better quality of life.
If you have suffered injuries, whether emotional or physical, a compensation award can help you to pay for the necessary services (e.g. counselling, or physiotherapy) which will enable you to recover from your accident. If you are unable to work or have lost pay as a result of the accident, the compensation should cover the resulting financial loss.
Useful: Compensation after an accident or injury @ Gov.uk
The Liable Party
Whether the fault is with the driver of another car, the general public or public authority, according to UK law, the liable party must pay compensation to the injured party for any loss incurred.
How do No Win no Fee Accident Claims Work?
Also known as a conditional, fee agreement, a No Win No Fee accident claim means that the solicitor agrees to take on a case involving either injury or accident compensation but asks for no fees until the case is completed.
If you win the case the solicitor is paid from part of the compensation which is received from the other party, but if you lose you are not liable to pay any money to the solicitor.
Making No Win No Fee Accident Claims
Have you been involved in a motorbike accident and have suffered losses as a result of it? If so, making a No Win No Fee claim could give you the opportunity to obtain compensation.
This could be used to improve your quality of life, or even treat those dear to you. Being involved in an accident can be traumatic for family members as well as the person who was actually injured.
In order for your case to be taken on there should a reasonable chance that the case will be successful, but the solicitor will be able advice this when you make your initial inquiry.