Did you know you could save money by get your keys cut via online sites?
With UK high streets slowly but surely disappearing all around the country, you may be finding it more and more difficult to find a place to get your keys cut these days and even if you can find somewhere, once you’ve factored in the cost of petrol to get there and not to mention your precious time, it might turn out to be more hassle and expense than it’s worth.
If the above sounds familiar to you, then you will be happy to hear that you can remove a lot of this hassle and also save a decent amount of cash by choosing to use an online key cutter instead.
How Do Online Key Cutters Work?
An online key cutter? I hear you say. How on earth does that work? Well the process is pretty simple actually, a lot simpler than you might expect. Online key cutting companies like Fast Keys are able to cut a key for you quickly and cheaply, and all they need to be able to do this are the numbers from your lock, or possibly a key if you haven’t lost them all, along with the key manufacturer’s name.
Operating in this way removes the need to call out a locksmith to look at the lock in person and will also save you from having to replace the whole lock. You can order as many or as few keys as you like, but the price of the key will usually be cheaper the more you order.
Is the Service Just for Door Keys?
The simple answer to this question is, no. Online key cutting companies don’t just cut door keys, they can also supply keys for various items of furniture such as home and office cabinets, lockers, cars, windows and the list goes on. They don’t only supply keys either, in most cases they can also supply locks, safes and other items of hardware too.
A Fast and Efficient Service
As with most online businesses, online key cutters are able to save money by not having to spend money operating physical stores around the country, and they are in turn able to pass these savings on to their customers.
The way they operate also enables them to provide a fast and efficient service, with keys from Fast Keys (the company we mentioned earlier) costing as little as £1.70 a key – depending on the quantity ordered. The keys are then usually shipped out on the same day as they receive the order – as long as before 3pm. That’s pretty impressive if you think about it!
So, the next time you lose your keys, maybe you won’t have as much hassle as you expect to get the problem sorted out. Online key cutting companies now offer a fast and efficient service and they are often able to offer this at a much cheaper price than you would have been able to get had you taken your key into a high street key cutter, if your high street even has one anymore.