A short guide to trading on the go.
Whether those ‘in the know’ would like to admit it or not, I think it is fair to say that the days of stock market trading being something that is reserved for those with huge amounts of money to invest or for those working in the city are now well and truly over!
Nowadays, online trading has opened up share trading to the more ‘average’ investor, and many people are starting to build portfolios that could see them make big gains and give them an income during retirement that they could only have dreamed of in the past.
While it’s true that pretty much anybody can invest in the stock market these days, it is also true that part-time investors are going to have to use every tool that is available to them in order to be able to stay ahead of the game and to not miss out on any potentially valuable moves in the market.
After all, you won’t want to miss out on a trade when a certain company’s earnings come in way over expectations. You also won’t want to be behind the curve in trading out of a position when the share price of one of your holdings starts to take a bit of a hammering.
Don’t ignore mobile trading
In recent years – or even months – online brokers have begun to focus more and more on offering investing apps to their clients, giving them the ability to ‘trade on the go’.
For all of the reasons we’ve mentioned above and more, it is imperative that amateur traders make use of these innovative apps, so that they don’t get caught out by unexpected market moves.
It’s not just pure stock brokers who are making mobile apps available to their clients either. These days, binary options brokers are also realising the need to offer the same kind of tools.
Leading UK binary brand Nenx, for example, have developed an easy to use app with a huge amount of trading options available. Users can ‘trade on the go’ 24/7 on either their mobile or their tablet.
With minimum trades of just £1 and minimum initial deposits of just £10, you can see why this kind of app might be so popular with the low capital investor. Nenx also offer a 100% bonus on the 1st deposit for new traders.
Brokers are jumping on board, so should you!
Image Source – By Karlis Dambrans
As we can see then, mobile trading and having the ability to ‘trade on the go’ offers huge advantages for the average investor or trader. All sorts of online brokers – from pure stock brokers to binary trading platforms – are jumping on board and creating mobile apps to fill this ever pressing need for their clients.
If you want to succeed and make gains as a trader, then it is vital that you jump on board too! Don’t ignore the potential benefits of ‘trading on the go’ with your mobile or tablet, as it could prove to be the difference between making huge losses or substantial gains!
Main Image Source – By Omar Jordan Fawahl