Find out what your favourite websites looked like a decade ago with this awesome interactive infographic.
We all complained each time Zuckerberg and co changed the format of Facebook – we don’t like change! Hindsight is proverbially a wonderful thing however, and given the chance to look back at the original version of the social media platform, most of us would agree that the original website, did need a bit of a facelift, and some CSS code.
In fact, it is interesting to see how many of the most popular websites, have remained true to their original colour-scheme and layout.
Believe it or not, mobile phone apps have been around since 1994, thanks to the IBM phone which featured calculators, a world clock and a calendar.
It wasn’t until 2002 however and the release of the BlackBerry Smartphone with wireless email, that apps, and the term ‘smartphone’ really started to catch on with the British Public.
Now there’s an app for virtually everything, you can use a cooking app to make your favourite dessert, then use a fitness app to track your progress at the gym.
Check out the slider interactive from Orega which allows you to time travel back to the days when HTML was all a website required and when Instagram was only used by budding fashion bloggers.