
3 Essential Ecommerce Tips For 2021

Young online business owner looking at laptop while preparing deliveries for clients

‘Ecommerce’ ended up as one of 2020’s top buzzwords, along with ‘unprecedented’, and the phrase ‘remote working’.

But far from being a meaningless call into the digital ether, it represents a vital tool for survival for countless businesses across the world, many of whom have only just taken their first steps into the online world over the past twelve months to weather the storms of lockdown. 

And while 2021 is a new year, the end is not quite in sight just yet, and with digital set to continue leading the way forward, your brand can’t afford to be left behind. 

So whether you’re a first-timer or a digital enterprise simply looking to improve, these three tips will help you find success online. 

1. Social media 

Social media is something that many small businesses assume can’t possibly be relevant to them, that it’s a game better left to large companies whose brands are recognised across the world.  

But 2021 is the year to stop thinking local and start thinking big, seizing opportunities for growth wherever you can find them and taking your trade from strength to strength. 

Social media marketing is an opportunity to keep in touch with customers, let them know you’re still operating and keep them up to date on new deals and products. And whether you’re staying regional or trying to expand your reach, a good social media marketing campaign will also digitise that word-of-mouth effect and put you in the path of new customers. 

2. Website

Consumers often feel a sense of pride in supporting small, local businesses – this is a major point in your favour. 

But unfortunately, the customer is not always right, or reasonable, and often, they’ll still have the same expectations of your business that they would of a larger competitor. So you’ll need to show them that you can compete. 

That’s why the right website is an absolutely crucial ingredient in the recipe for ecommerce success. Your site needs to be sleek, professional and user-friendly to help your customers find all the information they need and guide them towards that all-important checkout button.  

This brings us to our next important point… 

3. Get savvy

As a small business owner, you’re no stranger to a little DIY, and when it comes to getting online, you consider yourself pretty wise already. 

And sure, you know your way around a hashtag. But can you handle SEO, PPC, content marketing, UX and site optimisation? 

The fact is that the old-fashioned marketing methods of yore are pretty much out of style, and the best advertising move you can make in 2021 is to recycle your business cards, shred those leaflets, tear down those posters and get smart online.  

Kickstart your campaign with a no-nonsense, no jargon approach from experts like Maratopia Digital Marketing and learn how to use online search advertising to reach target customers and make the most of your budget without cutting corners or missing opportunities. 

We hope these tips provide the right boost for your business in the digital realm. 

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