
3 Valid Reasons To Conduct Employee Health And Safety Training

Employee being taught how to lift safely. Health and safety at word

Since the pandemic started, there have been conversations surrounding working conditions concerning location.

Many advocate for remote work to be normalised, with the average percentage of people working at home increasing from 27% in 2019 to 37% in 2020. While the statistic keeps increasing, some businesses have had employees returning to the office for several reasons, like access to high-level amenities at a lower cost. If you belong to this group, then security, health and safety training is something to take seriously, no matter the size of your company. Below are some critical reasons why.

1. That’s what the law requires 

Health and safety have been a major aspect of the lives of many UK workers. The Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 is the law that governs health and safety in the workplace. Also known as the HASAWA, HSWA or HSW Act, it defines the responsibilities of employees and employers and measures the authorities can take to enforce the act. Its main goal is to ensure that all health and safety measures are preventive instead of curative. Based on this Act, the Health and Safety Executive was developed to regulate health and safety in the UK. The executive is responsible for conducting research on health and safety and investigating poor working conditions and practices. Depending on your business type, they may ask an organisation to make changes, such as using commercial roller shutters. But in extreme cases, they can bring criminal charges against offenders and shut down operations.

2. It lowers the risk of injury or harm

The truth is that no workplace is 100% safe. Whether you work in construction or finance, each business has its unique challenges. Physical risks include asbestos, falling objects, fire hazards, and ergonomic challenges. Another area of health and safety that is rarely discussed is the psychological aspect. However, mental health-related phenomenons like stress and burnout are rampant. When ignored for a prolonged period, it could have an irreversible negative impact on the sufferer. By training employees in these areas, you equip them with information to increase awareness, hence lowering the likelihood of occurrence. So depending on your industry, hire experts to assist. 

3. It helps reduce costs in the long run

Having a health and safety training program is cost-effective long term. In 2018/19, the cost of ill health and workplace self-reported injuries was £16.2 billion. Additionally, recruiting new employees is relatively more expensive than retaining new ones. Legal battles concerning workplace injuries can also cause quite a dent in your finances. All these can be avoided with health and safety training. Work processes can be more streamlined by training your employees on health and safety training, making your company more productive and efficient. This also helps you save time on things that could have taken longer.

Sometimes, the rules are there to protect the people involved, and health and safety training is one of those things. When drawing up a training program for your employees, it is crucial to include their well-being.