
4 Ways To Successfully Get The Projects You Want

Women standing by screen giving project presentation to colleagues

No matter the industry, everyone loves working on challenging, rewarding, and interesting projects. People’s professional lives are much more gratifying when they’re genuinely passionate about their work and enjoy doing it, isn’t that right?

In an ideal world, we’d all be working on our dream projects day in and day out. However, many working professionals feel like they aren’t working on ideal projects. Whether you’re a freelancer, a business owner or an employee, there’s no worse feeling that the sensation that the best projects are passing you by over and over again. 

The truth is, you’ve got to put a little bit of work in to land the best projects. There are many ways to do this, but we’ve outlined our four top tips for successfully getting the projects you want to help you out. Give them a browse, see what aligns with your situation, and give them a shot. You’ve got nothing to lose and great projects to gain.

1. Show that you’re the right person for the job

This tip might seem obvious, but it’s overlooked all too often. In order to land the projects you want, you need to believe in yourself, put yourself out there, and ultimately show that you are the best person for the job. A little confidence goes a long way, so don’t hesitate to promote yourself.

First things first, take inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Be honest with yourself. If you’re not sure where to begin, ask some trusted close friends, managers or colleagues their opinions. It’s also important to back up your strengths with examples. If you know that you have fantastic marketing skills because you’ve successfully marketed an array of successful products pre-launch in the past, for example, make that clear when looking for your next projects. 

In the same vein, consider your past professional experience. What projects have you successfully worked on or managed in the past? Why were they successful, and what part did you play in that success? What industries have you worked in, and how can your skills transfer to other industries?

This is all important information to keep in mind and communicate to your future clients when looking for new projects.

2. Make professional & personal development a priority 


Whether you’re a freelancer, an entrepreneur or work for a larger company, the feeling of not getting the projects you want is commonplace. If you can relate, it might be time to take your skills to the next level

No matter how much training or experience you have, there’s always something new you can learn through personal or professional development. You never know what will catch a future client’s eye or give you an edge over the competition. 

This is especially pertinent if you often find yourself as a member of a project team, but want to take on more of a leadership role in the future. 

Here are some ideas you can try out if you want to invest time into personal and professional development to level-up the projects you work on: 

  • Ask your manager or other higher-ups in your company for feedback. Specifically, determine whether there are any key skills or competencies you’re missing or should be working on.
  • Reach out to your professional community and ask them what kind of professional development they’ve undertaken or found beneficial. 
  • Network up a storm. Whether they’re in-person or online, make sure you attend the professional events you’re invited to. You can even seek out networking events in your area.
  • Take it to the search engines. There are so many training courses out there nowadays, so invest some time researching what’s out there, either online or in person.

3. Master the art of the perfect project proposal

You might be on the brink of working on your dream project, or perhaps you’ve thought up the perfect approach to some work coming down the pipeline. In order to close the deal and get that project confirmed, an excellent project proposal is your best friend. It’s the perfect tool to communicate your ideas to your client and show them what you have to offer.

In case you’re not already familiar, a project proposal is a project management document that outlines your or your team’s intended approach to a new project. It usually includes project background, project scope, objectives, a rough timeline, budgetary information, and necessary project resources among other things.

There are a couple reasons why mastering the art of project proposal will really set you apart from the crowd and help you land that ideal project. First, many people do not write excellent project proposals. They’re often not prioritised or edited and are done in a hurry. In that sense, your little bit of extra effort will really make your commitment and enthusiasm shine.

Second, project proposals are the perfect space to sell your client on your intended approach to their project. By the time you’re writing a project proposal, you should feel confident that you’re the right person for the job and that you have a unique approach that’s sure to be successful. 

Use your project proposal to present all your ideas in a way that immediately gets your client on board. You can even use a project proposal template to help you get started.

4. Go the extra mile with the projects you do have 

Last but not least, one of the best ways you can land great projects is by working on successful projects. You’re much more likely to get hired and referred if you have great testimonials and experience that instills confidence. Put yourself in this position by going the extra mile with the projects you do have. 

Of course, going the extra mile can mean different things to different projects. Generally speaking, however, don’t wait to be asked. If you think of something that you believe will make your project better, say it out loud! Whether that means conducting a new kind of ux research, sprucing up a company’s branding, or trying a new social media marketing approach, don’t leave your ideas left unsaid. 

In the future, you’ll be able to tell future clients about the great ideas you had that ended up making projects wildly successful! 

That next big project is yours

Don’t just think about landing your dream project, take continuous actions in your professional life to make it happen. If you work with intention and focus on your goals, you’ll be sure to achieve them. 

In this article, we’ve covered just four things you can do to help you get the projects you want. Whether you’re showing that you’re the right person for the job, investing in professional development, perfecting your project proposal skills or going the extra mile when you’re getting important experience, your actions will steer you in the right direction and ultimately help you land incredible, rewarding projects again and again.

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