
Designing Your Business Displays – Dos & Don’ts

Designing Your Business Displays - Dos & Don’ts

When your Point of Sale (POS) is in a different location to your business – within another shop, cafe, or business fair for instance, the issue of design and representation is all the more important.

You can’t be there personally to promote and describe your product, so investing in a POS display that’s right for your company and your product is of the utmost importance. With that in mind, here are some Dos and Don’ts that providers like Print & Display would recommend, for when planning a Business Display.

Do: Be Bold

Your POS display can make or break a customer’s first impression. Most likely your products will be surrounded by similar products by your competitors – so do compete for your customer’s attention.

An attractive, bold design is likely to catch their eye and draw them to your product. Presentation can make or break a sale, so look around shops for inspiration of attractive or successful features to highlight your product.

Don’t: Be Garish

Having a bright, bold display is one matter, but be careful and selective in your design and colour scheme that it does not look tacky. A fluorescent sign is eye-catching, but too many bright design elements can look childish (unless it is a product for children, in which case go ahead) and put customers off – not to mention, the shop owner may not appreciate it.

Do: Be Informative

Your display encourages customers to impulse buy a product, so make it clear what your product is and why they need it. A catchy, yet functional slogan can be particularly effective for this. Employ a marketing writer to create a catchy, informative product description and test it to be sure the message is clear.

Don’t: Ramble

While you need to be as informative as possible regarding your product, so as not to disappoint customers and lose future sales, be snappy. Your display is relatively limited in terms of space, so you don’t have the room to ramble and rave about your product. A short, concise description of the product is all you need – it should sell itself at this point.

Do: Remember Your Audience

With your artistic direction, be sure to appeal to your audience. Think carefully about your product and your chosen demographic for it – for example, if it’s for adults who enjoy extreme sports, utilise this in your imagery.

Do your research before ordering a mock-up of your chosen POS so you can test its effectiveness – if you know your audience, a POS display provider can be used to help advise you the best POS for your product.

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About author

Poppy loves personal finance almost as much as she loves her two cats, Tif and Taz.
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