
New Business Owners- Where Should You Sell Your Products?

New Business Owners- Where Should You Sell Your Products?

Having a fantastic idea is only the start when it comes to business.

If you really want to succeed, you need to secure those all- important customers. You need to get your name out there and provide an excellent service time and time again.

If you have a product or service that you know people want, your next step is finding the right place to sell. Here are a few options to consider.

An Online Marketplace

Selling on an online marketplace like eBay, Etsy or Amazon has a number of benefits. Both buyers and sellers can be confident that should anything go wrong on either end, it will get resolved in a fair manner.

If you’re a brand new business, it also increases your chances of being seen as opposed to setting up a new website.

However, on the downside, you will have to pay a commission on every item you sell. On top of the tax, you will already have to pay to the government on your profits, these fees can mean it’s hard to make any money on some items.

For some businesses and services, an online marketplace is the ideal way to be seen and grab the attention of many customers. For others it can be more of a struggle, so work out whether it’s best for you.

Your Own Website

New Business Owners- Where Should You Sell Your Products?

When you sell products from your own website, you avoid the fees associated with selling through a third party.

However, the cost of a website can be very expensive upfront and then you have advertising costs to consider too.

It’s not just as simple as setting up an incredible site and watching the customers flock in. It takes work and money to get to the stage where you will even show up on a reasonable page in a Google search.

If you have the skills, knowledge, and experience to build and promote a website (or enough money to hire someone who does), then this is a great option.

Otherwise, it could be worth setting up a simple site for now, and focusing on your online marketplace store.

That way you can work on boosting your domain authority with techniques such as blogging until it’s doing well and you’re ready to move everything over to the website.

Some items won’t necessarily be suitable to sell on an online marketplace, if you sell large or specialist products then setting your own site up from the get-go might be your best bet.

Don’t forget to consider how you will deliver your items to clients or customers. You could use the postal service, a courier or send large items abroad, via ship.

As your business grows and expands, later down the line, it might even make sense to invest in your own fleet.

Companies like Martek Marine are useful to ensure that everything is up to standard on board, from safety to health to medical to environmental factors.

In Your Local Area

Depending on what kinds of products you sell, you could save having to ship things altogether by selling in person. You could rent a small shop or set up a stall or table in an area that gets good foot traffic.

Enquire with your local council about what kinds of places are available and where you can legally sell. Anything from prints to clothing to homemade food and drink would all do well, as they’re the sort of items that people will browse and buy if they grab their attention.

You could try selling online, as well as in person at weekends? Of course, this won’t be an option for all businesses, but could be an idea for making extras sales if you sell certain products.

About author

Poppy loves personal finance almost as much as she loves her two cats, Tif and Taz.
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