It is no mystery that when you are out on holiday the last thing you want to have happen is some kind of an injury.
Yet it seems that when we are out and enjoying ourselves, that is when we always seem to let our guard down.
Everyone has had at least something bad happen to them while away on holiday and if this is you and you have an injury you have got to get that taken care of.
Here are some clues for how to file a claim and get some relief if you have had the holiday from hell in 2015.
What Happened
The first step in your claim status is determining what happened.
A paper cut or small bruise sadly is unlikely to be claim worthy.
However, there are all kinds of other things which could elicit a claim and get you at least some recompense and maybe even a little bit more time off of work.
Your event might be something like a slip and fall, burn, or even a dog bite.
While those may not seem like things worthy of a claim, you might be wrong.
Some other things which you can file a claim for include things like defective products, neck injuries, horse riding injury, sports injury, or assault.
Even if your child was injured while you were all gone on holiday that can be something that is worth investigating further for a possible claim.
Where Did it Happen
Another point worthy of analysis in your investigation of a claim would be the location where the incident took place.
Did this happen in a supermarket? Shopping centre? Restaurant? Public park? Private residence?
Business holiday function? Or some kind of a bar, pub or nightclub?
These are all areas where you are certainly within your rights to file some manner of claim.
You should of course report your incident to someone of record straight away.
You may even need to call up some type of law official.
If you can take pictures or video of the immediate aftermath with your phone that’s great; if someone got video of the event as it happened that’s even better.
You need to keep an accurate record of what happened, see if you can’t get others to corroborate your story and then keep it all on the up and up by keeping those involved informed.
Who Was Responsible
Another issue in deciding whether or not to file a claim is to decide who is responsible.
If it is a slip or fall you might think that you are responsible.
However, if this is in a poorly lit or inadequately marked area then you might be well within your rights to demand that you be made amends for these issues.
Moreover, if someone else’s un-tended to dog bites you, you fall ill from a defective product or you suffer assault at the hands of another then you are well within your rights to demand that you get restitution.
Call on Professionals
When you are forced into a situation like this while away on holiday it can often seem like the very worst thing which could have happened.
The worst thing though would be to say “oh it’s just a holiday” and then suffer some further, longer-term damage because you didn’t care for it when the time was right.
Rather than enter into this discussion alone you should call on some professionals.
Express Solicitors provides free legal assessment and can help you decide whether or not even filing a claim for this incident is something that you should do.
Main image by Steve Corey @ Flickr.