Negotiating your finances will often feel intimidating or awkward. Because the idea of wanting more, or wanting to be in control, or even of talking about money in the first place can be really daunting.
But if you want to be successful with your money, you need to make sure that you are comfortable with negotiations. Let’s take a look at how.
With Yourself
First of all, you have to be able to negotiate with yourself and make sure that you are in control. Because if you’re spending freely and you are not spending your money in alignment with your goals, then you aren’t able to make the most of it. So get comfortable controlling your spending and your own attitude to money first.
With Your Lenders
One area of finances that a lot of people want to work on, is negotiating finances with lenders. Maybe you’re in debt and you want a better rate? Maybe you want a better savings rate? Maybe you want to get a better loan amount? You need to make sure that you say what you want and just ask. Because opening that conversation is the best place to start.
With Your Bosses
And then finally, there’s work. Because maybe you want a pay rise or better benefits? Then you need to ask. You need to know your worth, prove yourself, and do your research. Because when you are able to create a case for a higher salary or insurance benefits, as in the infographic below, you’re in a better position to get what you want.
Infographic Design By MyKeyManInsurance.com